Helpful Advising Tools
Who is my Advisor?
1. Are you a Music Major or Minor?
- Major, skip to question 2
- Minor, skip to question 4
2. Are you enrolled in MUS 353 or 776 or 450? Have you ever enrolled in MUS 353 or 776 or 450?
- If yes, skip to question 3
- If no, skip to question 4
3. Is your teacher’s name listed in the above table?
- If yes, your teacher is your advisor
- If no, skip to question 4
4. Refer to the “last name begins with” list above to determine your advisor.
Advising for Bachelor of Arts
- B.A. Major Advising FAQs
- B.A. Roadmap
- B.A. Advising Sheet (PDF)
- B.A. Advising Sheet for Students Entering Fall 2020 (PDF)
Advising for Bachelor of Music
The documents on this website/webpage might not be fully accessible to persons with disabilities. We are working to fix these accessibility barriers. If you experience difficulty in accessing this content, please contact the School of Music by email at and we will provide you with accessible alternatives.
Your Emphasis | Your Advisor | Focus |
Voice | Nikolas Nackley, | Undergraduate |
Strings | Jassen Todorov, | Undergraduate |
Education | Wendell Hanna, | Undergraduate |
Piano | Victoria Neve, | Undergraduate |
Instrumental | Bradley Hogarth, | Undergraduate |
Composition | Ben Sabey, | Undergraduate |
General Advising, Music Minors and Majors |
A-Z | Hafez Modirzadeh, | Undergraduate |
Graduate Students (A-Z) | Ben Sabey, | Graduate |
All School of Music majors and minors are assigned to a faculty advisor. If you do not know who your advisor is please contact the School of Music office at
- Tips and Tricks for searching for classes on the Class Schedule File
- Use Degree Planner to create a graduation plan
- Use Degree Progress Report to check your progress towards graduation
- Advising Resource Center FAQs and resource videos
- Apply for Graduation
- Registrar Guides: Student Transcripts, Degree Planner, Dropping/Withdrawing, Change of Major/Minor, Registration Guide, Degree Progress Report, Registration and more.
- When B.M. major completes MUS 221, 222 AND 223, they automatically satisfy C1 (Arts)
- When B.M. completes any two of these MUS 550, 551 and 552 , you automatically satisfy UD-C (Arts)

Undergraduate Advising
Majors in the College of Liberal & Creative Arts (LCA) should consult with two advisors each semester:
- an advisor in the major and
- a general education and university requirements adviser in the Undergraduate Advising Center
Students who are completing a minor or an additional major should see an advisor in those programs as well.

Graduate Advising
Graduate Coordinator, Dr. Ben Sabey,
The Division of Graduate Studies offers counseling and advising regarding issues ranging from applications to graduation. Visit the Graduate Advising Center